Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Energy Conservation at Case

Throughout our country, the cost of energy (electricity, oil, natural gas, and water) has escalated dramatically in recent months, and rising prices are expected to continue in the foreseeable future. Case consumes a large amount of energy to support its education and research programs. Within the next twelve months, the university’s energy costs could easily double. As an institution committed to developing a sustainable and environmentally responsible campus, we seek your assistance and support in our efforts to conserve energy. We must work together with renewed vigor to reduce our energy consumption, conserve resources, and contain costs.

“50% of all energy use in the United States is a direct consequence of the decisions that you and I make every day. If I take the residential use of energy and the vehicle use of energy, [vehicle] energy use is roughly half of the total energy used in the U.S. today. It’s also one of the least efficient. One of my answers to that question would be, ‘If not me, then who?’ In other words, we can look in the mirror and do an awful lot for that national energy system.”

-Peter Garforth-

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